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Tabea Scharrer

Previous Workshops and Presentations (until 2019)

Organization of Conferences, Workshops and Panels


Workshop ‚Forced Migration, Exclusion and Social Class‘, 23 to 24 May, Halle, jointly organised.

Workshop ‚How people settle down. Comparing local structures and factors influencing Somali migrants when settling down in the „global North“ and in the „global South“, 4 April, Halle.


Joint Institutes Colloquium of the MPI for Social Anthropology und the Institute for Social Anthropology of the Martin-Luther-University Halle focussing on ‚Place & Space’, jointly organised.


Panel at the conference of the Netzwerk Flüchtlingsforschung in Osnabrück about ’Langzeitgeflüchtete in Afrika: kein Weg zurück?’ (6 to 8 October), jointly organised.


International Workshop in Nairobi (Kenya), 'Eastleigh and beyond:  The Somali factor in Urban Kenya’ (27 to 28 September), in co-operation with Dr. Neil Carrier (University of Oxford).


Panel at the  VAD-conference in Bayreuth about 'The future of the African (middle) classes (11 to 14 June), jointly organised.


Joint Institutes Colloquium of the MPI for Social Anthropology and the Institute for Social Anthropology  at the Martin-Luther-University Halle ‚Citizenship Today‘, jointly organised.


In-house Training ‚Network Analysis’, MPI for Social Anthropology Halle (3 to 6 November), jointly organised.


Panel at the ECAS (European Conference on African Studies) in Leipzig about 'Imagining Islamic Centers: Reshaping Locality through Shifting Affiliations' (4 to 7 June 2009), jointly organised.


International Workshop ‚Conversion, Modernity and the Individual – with particular reference to Islam in Africa and Asia’ at the Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin (25 to 26 November 2005), jointly organised.

Invited lectures (excluding conference papers)


‚Generational conflicts in migration processes: Examples from Somali migrants in Africa and Europe.‘ Conference of the European Master ‚Migration and Intercultural Relations‘ (EMMIR), University of Oldenburg, 13 December. 

‚„The worst is to go from up to down.” Räumliche und soziale Mobilität somalischer MigrantInnen in Ostafrika und Europa‘, Colloquium, Institute for Social Anthropology and African Studies (ifeas), Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, 14 May.


‚„It’s Better to Do Business in Africa than in Europe‘. The Relevance of Class and Generation among European Somalians Moving to Kenya’, Colloquium, Institute für Social Anthropology, University Göttingen, 14 June.

‚Leaving the camp behind? The case of Somalian refugees in Kenya‘, Brown Bag Lecture Series “Displacement and Development“, BICC, Bonn, 14 February.


‚Heimkehr oder Entfremdung? Somalische „Rückkehrer“ aus Europa nach Ostafrika‘, Colloquium, Centre of Atlantic and Global Studies (CAGS), Leibnitz University Hannover, 28 June.


‚Conviviality, Cohabitation and Cosmopolitanism. The Art of Living Together‘, 1st South-East-African & European Conference ‚Refugees and Forced Migrants: Social rights – care – mutual benefits?‘ organised by the Max Planck Institut for Social Law and Social Policy and the Pwani University, Kilifi (Kenya), 2 to 3 August.

‚Somali Malls and Markets in East Africa and Beyond‘, Workshop ‚The Place of Trade: Marketplaces and the global informal economy, University of Oxford, African Studies Centre, 13 June. 


‚Citizenship in the making. Somalis in Kenya and the question of Belonging‘, Workshop ‚Sharing/ Dividing Futures‘, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, 12 to13 December.


‚Placemaking: Somali migrants in Kenyan cities‘, Colloquium, Institute for African Studies, University of Leipzig, 26 November. 


'The circular flow of conversion narratives: conversion to Islam in East Africa and its public role', Colloquium, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Free University Berlin, 28 January.

Contributions to Public Events


Presentation at the MPI Forum ‚Afrika: Ein Kontinent in Bewegung‘ (Munich, 04 December).


Presentation at the MPI Forum ‚Wohin. Was passiert, wenn Menschen ihre Lebensgrundlage verlieren?’ (Halle, 14 November).


Participation in a panel discussion within the framework of the Urbanosalon # 3 'Urban Prayers. Neue religiöse Bewegungen in der globalen Stadt’, Fo Guang Shan-Tempel in Berlin (19 February).


Participation in the organisation of the 'Zentrum Muslime und Christen im Dialog' during the 2. Ökumenischer Kirchentag in München (12 to 16 May).

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